a new community of Christian practice
What do you dream of, yearn for, hope for?
What’s the “mission” here?
…that the whole world may see and know that things which have been cast down are being raised up, and things which have grown old are being made new…
We’re trying to live that mission in a bunch of ways: here just some of the ways YOU can get involved!
A Word of Welcome
We are seeking folks who want to grow with us…into a new kind of church.
We are embarking on an adventure. We want to become a community where we all can belong as messy human beings—with our own gifts, wounds, anxieties, yearnings. We want to support each other as we heal and grow into the people we are each called to be. We want to be a progressive and creative community, united by a commitment to practice the way of love and not by a checklist of beliefs. We want to organize with neighbors, to build power to fight for our flourishing in a city that siphons off our life as profits for the few.
We are seeking companions on this journey: people who are willing to stumble along with us toward the vision that Jesus called “the kingdom of God”—the reign of love where everyone has what they need to heal, to grow, to contribute their unique gifts to the greater good. What shape might the loving, liberating, and life-giving work of God take in Sunnyside, in these trying times?
If this adventure is calling to you—and if you have questions!—please reach out.
– Father Carl Adair